Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ashley's First Pediatrician Visit

I went to my first pediatrician well check up when I was 4 days old; the day after leaving the hospital. The doctor said that I was a very healthy girl with great coloring. She also said that I was very alert and strong. I weighed in at 6 lbs 10 1/2 ounces- I gained 3 1/2 ounces in just one day! Everyone was very proud of me! She told mommy and daddy that there is one rule they have to follow and that is to not take me into public places (church, grocery stores, etc) for 6-8 weeks! She says that we are better safe then sorry when it comes to getting sick and that there is a lot of sick stuff going around right now! So mommy says we will just hybernate for another 6 weeks!

I go back in a couple of days- fingers crossed that I am gaining weight!


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