Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Think Pink!

This afternoon, we went to find out the gender of our baby and THINK PINK! It's a GIRL! Come February the Stilley girls will FINALLY outnumber the Stilley boys! Like our friend Kate Larson used to say, "Girls Rule, Boys DROOL!" :)

We are so excited to be having another little girl that we can't stop smiling! She is healthy looking; weighing in a little over 9 ounces and her heart rate was at 150. The sonogram technician said she looks to be a very healthy little thing- her heart, kidneys, spinal cord, brain, lips, stomach, amniotic fluid levels, my cervix all look GREAT! She had the hiccups for a majority of the sonogram and was moving around like crazy but we were able to get a clear shot of her gender- the technician said she was 95-98% sure but never promises a higher guarantee! Her due date is February 15th and we are a little over 19 weeks through our pregnancy (almost halfway there!!!_

We got a DVD of the sonogram and a couple sonogram pics. Enjoy our newest blessing!

As for her name.... we are 90% sure that we have one but we want to do the "research a name game" a little more since I had decided on Anna's name when I was a little girl. Will let you know when the decision has been made!

Much Love,
Jenny and Rob


  1. Grammy is excited too!!! She looks beautiful in the photos!
    Love, Mary/Mom/Grammy

  2. Thats my girl! GIRLS RULE BOYS DROOL!

    Big Kate
