Sunday, November 28, 2010
My Christmas Tree
I have my VERY own Christmas Tree! And if it can't get any better then that... it's pink!
Yesterday, mommy, daddy and I decorated it with lots of silver shiny ornaments- Santas, presents, stars, balls and bows. Oh it's so pretty!
When I wake up in the morning, it is the first thing I want on. I point to it and humm "Oh." It makes me so happy!
Yesterday, mommy, daddy and I decorated it with lots of silver shiny ornaments- Santas, presents, stars, balls and bows. Oh it's so pretty!
When I wake up in the morning, it is the first thing I want on. I point to it and humm "Oh." It makes me so happy!
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!
Top 10 things I am thankful for!
1. Mommy and Daddy
2. Grandma and Grandpa
3. Grammy and Poppy
4. All my aunts and uncles
5. All my cousins
6. Brother
7. Lambie
8. Bunny Blanket
9. Balls
10. My sippy cup with milk!
I had so much fun this Thanksgiving! We saw a lot of family and ate tons!
On Thanksgiving morning, we went to Grammy and Poppy Stilley's to hang out and eat breakfast before going over to Daddy's aunt and uncle's house for Thanksgiving lunch. I got to see a lot of my extended Stilley relatives and it was great!
Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa Fimmen's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Kate was there and we had so much fun chasing each other around the house, rolling on the ground and doing the crazy cousin dance. I ended up spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house so Mommy and Aunt Anne could go shopping late at night. We had so much fun!
The next day, I played with Grandma during the morning and then with mommy and daddy that afternoon. I was so tired from the day before that I took one 2 hour nap and mommy and daddy had to wake me up 1 hour and a half into my second nap to make it to another Thanksgiving Dinner at daddy's other aunt and uncle's house. We had out third Thanksgiving dinner (I had tofu and berries because they are my favorite) and had a lot of fun hanging out with the Riggs extended family.... especially running around with Luna and playing with a dog named Raleigh. I kept giving the dog kisses, even when he was in his kennel. I just LOVE dogs!
I hope everyone had as great of a Thanksgiving!
Top 10 things I am thankful for!
1. Mommy and Daddy
2. Grandma and Grandpa
3. Grammy and Poppy
4. All my aunts and uncles
5. All my cousins
6. Brother
7. Lambie
8. Bunny Blanket
9. Balls
10. My sippy cup with milk!
I had so much fun this Thanksgiving! We saw a lot of family and ate tons!
On Thanksgiving morning, we went to Grammy and Poppy Stilley's to hang out and eat breakfast before going over to Daddy's aunt and uncle's house for Thanksgiving lunch. I got to see a lot of my extended Stilley relatives and it was great!
Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa Fimmen's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Kate was there and we had so much fun chasing each other around the house, rolling on the ground and doing the crazy cousin dance. I ended up spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house so Mommy and Aunt Anne could go shopping late at night. We had so much fun!
The next day, I played with Grandma during the morning and then with mommy and daddy that afternoon. I was so tired from the day before that I took one 2 hour nap and mommy and daddy had to wake me up 1 hour and a half into my second nap to make it to another Thanksgiving Dinner at daddy's other aunt and uncle's house. We had out third Thanksgiving dinner (I had tofu and berries because they are my favorite) and had a lot of fun hanging out with the Riggs extended family.... especially running around with Luna and playing with a dog named Raleigh. I kept giving the dog kisses, even when he was in his kennel. I just LOVE dogs!
I hope everyone had as great of a Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Watching football might be the thing to do with my daddy, but with my mommy, we DANCE!
I LOVE how every week we watch Dancing with the Stars on DVR together. Oh My GOSH I LOVE it! I love standing as close to the TV as possible and dancing to the music with the pretty dancers. I also love sitting on Mommy's lap and dancing to the music. I am very sad that the season is over and Mommy says we won't be able to watch it every week..... I wonder what we will watch instead?!?!?!
Someday I am going to be on Dancing with the Stars- you just wait!
I LOVE how every week we watch Dancing with the Stars on DVR together. Oh My GOSH I LOVE it! I love standing as close to the TV as possible and dancing to the music with the pretty dancers. I also love sitting on Mommy's lap and dancing to the music. I am very sad that the season is over and Mommy says we won't be able to watch it every week..... I wonder what we will watch instead?!?!?!
Someday I am going to be on Dancing with the Stars- you just wait!
28 weeks
This is a "milestone" in pregnancy for me because I feel like if the baby were to come now, that with a great NICU and a lot of TLC, the baby would survive and grow into a strong and healthy kid. Not that I am planning on it coming anytime before I am 37 weeks and full term, but it makes me feel good to know that since little Ashley has the capability to breathe (with help) that she could survive.
Feeling completely breathless.... walking up a flight of stairs- forget it. I am either out of breath by the top or I have to stop for a break on the way up. Sleeping is pretty horrible already... Ashley kicks me more then I thought a baby could possibly kick you. And she kicks HARD! Rob is complaining that I am hogging the covers but he has to realize that it's the seven pillows I have lodged around my body that are stealing his covers... not me! I tell him just pull them back! Men.... :) Maybe Santa will bring us a King sized bed :)
Thrilled that Christmas shopping is pretty much done- I can't imagine carting Anna around town breathless. I know you can order stuff online... but where's the fun and rush in that? So, our plans for the next couple of months??? Vegging out the next 12 weeks and teaching Anna to crawl down steps backwards- she is making progress!
To the grocery store.
Much Love and heavy breathing,
Feeling completely breathless.... walking up a flight of stairs- forget it. I am either out of breath by the top or I have to stop for a break on the way up. Sleeping is pretty horrible already... Ashley kicks me more then I thought a baby could possibly kick you. And she kicks HARD! Rob is complaining that I am hogging the covers but he has to realize that it's the seven pillows I have lodged around my body that are stealing his covers... not me! I tell him just pull them back! Men.... :) Maybe Santa will bring us a King sized bed :)
Thrilled that Christmas shopping is pretty much done- I can't imagine carting Anna around town breathless. I know you can order stuff online... but where's the fun and rush in that? So, our plans for the next couple of months??? Vegging out the next 12 weeks and teaching Anna to crawl down steps backwards- she is making progress!
To the grocery store.
Much Love and heavy breathing,
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
14 months old
Here is what I have been up to this month!
*Have had a CONSTANT runny nose because I got two new teeth! One of my left bottom second to the front ones and my upper right mollar- that baby is still breaking ground and has been for like 2 weeks!
*I LOVE Christmas decorations.... I stand in front of the Christmas tree and say "Uhhhhh" so somebody will sing "Oh Christmas Tree." I also point to the tree so that it gets turned on- I REALLY like lights!
*I am eating great with a spoon AND a fork. Mommy and Daddy get REALLY proud when I "STAB" my food!
*I am making such funny facial expressions- mommy is trying to get pictures of them but they com and go so fast.
*I am almost crawling down the stairs on my own.... I do better each time I try. Mommy says this is the last thing i must do before my sister arrives.
*I tell mommy and daddy I am hungry by pretending to put stuff in my mouth.
*I am sleeping great through the night- easily 11 hours. During the day I still usually take 2 naps, but sometimes it's just 1.
*When the mail is delivered I like to get it out ouf our mailbox. Mommy says, "Is the mail here?" and I go and check!
*I can stack 3 blocks!!!
*I love watching for squirrels with mommy looking outside her bedroom window. We knock on the windows for the squirrels to come out and when they do, we cluck our tongues at them to scare them away!
*I love climbing up and down hills VERY fast... this makes mommy especially nervous!
*I am blowing people kisses
*If you ask me what Santa says, or if I see a picture of him, I say "Ho Ho Ho!" I am saying "Hi Dada" and "Hi Bra" (For brother)
*When I want to sit on you lap, I will turn around and scoot back into your lap. I love doing this with books!
*When I want Peanut to come sit by me, I tap the couch or my lap.
*I wipe my own nose with a tissue!
*I have a new chore- I am responsible for refilling the toilet paper holder in the bathroom. I love putting the toilet paper in and then back out of the container... I get to do 3 rolls at a time :)
*I get really excited when someone has to use the potty. I saw "paaa" and rock back and forth hoping that they sing the potty song. I love the potty so much that I kissed the top of the potty and mommy got really grossed out.... now I am hardly let back into the bathroom!
*Have had a CONSTANT runny nose because I got two new teeth! One of my left bottom second to the front ones and my upper right mollar- that baby is still breaking ground and has been for like 2 weeks!
*I LOVE Christmas decorations.... I stand in front of the Christmas tree and say "Uhhhhh" so somebody will sing "Oh Christmas Tree." I also point to the tree so that it gets turned on- I REALLY like lights!
*I am eating great with a spoon AND a fork. Mommy and Daddy get REALLY proud when I "STAB" my food!
*I am making such funny facial expressions- mommy is trying to get pictures of them but they com and go so fast.
*I am almost crawling down the stairs on my own.... I do better each time I try. Mommy says this is the last thing i must do before my sister arrives.
*I tell mommy and daddy I am hungry by pretending to put stuff in my mouth.
*I am sleeping great through the night- easily 11 hours. During the day I still usually take 2 naps, but sometimes it's just 1.
*When the mail is delivered I like to get it out ouf our mailbox. Mommy says, "Is the mail here?" and I go and check!
*I can stack 3 blocks!!!
*I love watching for squirrels with mommy looking outside her bedroom window. We knock on the windows for the squirrels to come out and when they do, we cluck our tongues at them to scare them away!
*I love climbing up and down hills VERY fast... this makes mommy especially nervous!
*I am blowing people kisses
*If you ask me what Santa says, or if I see a picture of him, I say "Ho Ho Ho!" I am saying "Hi Dada" and "Hi Bra" (For brother)
*When I want to sit on you lap, I will turn around and scoot back into your lap. I love doing this with books!
*When I want Peanut to come sit by me, I tap the couch or my lap.
*I wipe my own nose with a tissue!
*I have a new chore- I am responsible for refilling the toilet paper holder in the bathroom. I love putting the toilet paper in and then back out of the container... I get to do 3 rolls at a time :)
*I get really excited when someone has to use the potty. I saw "paaa" and rock back and forth hoping that they sing the potty song. I love the potty so much that I kissed the top of the potty and mommy got really grossed out.... now I am hardly let back into the bathroom!
Happy 2 years of marriage!
Happy Anniversary to US!
Rob and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary this past weekend. It still shocks us how much we have been through together and it's only been 2 years!!! But two FAN-TASTIC ones :)
For our anniversary celebration we went to see the matinee movie Unstoppable. It was very action packed and good. We hadn't been to a movie since Avatar last Christmas so popcorn with EXTRA butter was a must! I just love the theatre. After the movie we went to J. Gilberts for dinner and had a yummy as always dinner there. I could have ordered another one it was so tasty! As we were driving home at 7:30, Rob said "I'm exhausted." And for those of you who know us crazy old people, it won't shock you that we were in bed by 8:30 and Rob was snoring by 8:35.... PM. What our 25th anniversary will entail is probably a brunch dinner since we will be going to bed at 4 pm..... oh the things to look forward to!
It was a lovely night together; we don't get may of those, the two of us, because we just love spending time with Anna that we don't want to go out without her. But that evening Anna was with Grandma and Grandpa Fimmen and of course she enjoyed every minute of her time with them and Peanut LOVED the attention her got without her around! Thanks again mom and dad!
On to continue our 3rd year of marriage.... I hope it's not as crazy as our 2nd :)
Much Love,
Rob and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary this past weekend. It still shocks us how much we have been through together and it's only been 2 years!!! But two FAN-TASTIC ones :)
For our anniversary celebration we went to see the matinee movie Unstoppable. It was very action packed and good. We hadn't been to a movie since Avatar last Christmas so popcorn with EXTRA butter was a must! I just love the theatre. After the movie we went to J. Gilberts for dinner and had a yummy as always dinner there. I could have ordered another one it was so tasty! As we were driving home at 7:30, Rob said "I'm exhausted." And for those of you who know us crazy old people, it won't shock you that we were in bed by 8:30 and Rob was snoring by 8:35.... PM. What our 25th anniversary will entail is probably a brunch dinner since we will be going to bed at 4 pm..... oh the things to look forward to!
It was a lovely night together; we don't get may of those, the two of us, because we just love spending time with Anna that we don't want to go out without her. But that evening Anna was with Grandma and Grandpa Fimmen and of course she enjoyed every minute of her time with them and Peanut LOVED the attention her got without her around! Thanks again mom and dad!
On to continue our 3rd year of marriage.... I hope it's not as crazy as our 2nd :)
Much Love,
Helping Daddy
I raked! I raked! I raked!
I am such a big girl because I helped daddy rake up the thousands of leaves in our front yard! Daddy said I helped out tons!!!!
Even brother got to help.....
I am such a big girl because I helped daddy rake up the thousands of leaves in our front yard! Daddy said I helped out tons!!!!
Even brother got to help.....
My Favorite Things
I sleep with A LOT of babies! Maggie Taggie, Lily Stilley, Bunny Blanket, Blankie, Lambie, Bunny, Monkey Book and Honey Bunny all take naps with me when I nap at home and sleep with me at night. I love them all so much!
I also LOVE butterflies! I have a butterfly mobile in my room that I LOVE and whenever I see butterflies, I saw "Buh" and start swaying so mommy sings the song. They are my favorite animal.
But... I kinda have two overall favorites.... LAMBIE and BUNNY BLANKET! They make me especially happy :)
I also LOVE butterflies! I have a butterfly mobile in my room that I LOVE and whenever I see butterflies, I saw "Buh" and start swaying so mommy sings the song. They are my favorite animal.
But... I kinda have two overall favorites.... LAMBIE and BUNNY BLANKET! They make me especially happy :)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Yesterday I went and saw Santa Claus!
I have been looking at pictures of him all week to prepare myself for what I was going to see and I was amazed! At home, when I see pictures of him I say Ho Ho Ho! But when I saw him in person, I was speechless! Mommy and Daddy put me on his lap and I sat there thinking..... "who is this man with the beard?!?!" And then about 30 seconds after they dropped me off on his lap, it hit me that I didn't know this man and cried just a little bit.
Mommy and Daddy were SO proud of me! Oh... and did I mention that thanks to my crazy mom we were first in line??? Yep- Santa opened at 9:30 and we got to the place at 9.... good thing though because they opened 15 minutes early for the crazy mom's and grandparents and we were out and in in time for my normal nap! Cooper and Kate were also there right with us! We have some crazy mom's!!!
Ho Ho Ho!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I LOVE to go into dark rooms all by myself, shut the door and then open it back up to surprise mommy and daddy on the other side! It is so much fun. Sometimes I go in the room and get so sidetracked with toys and books that I "forget" to open the door back up.... or I just want some privacy!!! And when mommy and daddy try to get in... I DEMAND the password (it's usually pickles or sprinkles)! This game happens anytime we are upstairs.... I LOVE doing it in mommy and daddy's room, the office, Ashely's room and my room. Oh it's SO much fun!
I LOVE putting things on my head to play with but I am not a big fan of winter hats. RIGHT when we get in the car I whine and cry until mommy takes it off my head or I manage to rip it off myself. I have developed a sign for hat by patting the top of my head and also pointing to daddy's closet- Mommy and Daddy know EXACTLY what I want then :) I also and starting to say "ha" for it too but usually just say "daddas!"
Here I am in one of my hats! You should have seen mommy and daddy- they were wearing hats too!
Here I am in one of my hats! You should have seen mommy and daddy- they were wearing hats too!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
This is where mommy puts us when she needs a break :)
Just kidding! We were playing after my nap :)
Just kidding! We were playing after my nap :)
This is what happens...
When Mommy runs to the grocery store and leaves the little girl to play with Daddy....
All she needed was a hat and I would have just DIED with laughter!! Apparently she brought Rob the tuto and the winter coat and showed him that she wanted it on. What a HOOT! This made my night- thanks Daddy :)
Much Love,
All she needed was a hat and I would have just DIED with laughter!! Apparently she brought Rob the tuto and the winter coat and showed him that she wanted it on. What a HOOT! This made my night- thanks Daddy :)
Much Love,
Friday, November 12, 2010
Brush Brush
I have a morning routine that has been going on a while now that includes brushing my teeth!
Sometime after I wake up, I look at mommy and say "brr" and point to my mouth. We then head to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom I go to the sink, stand on my tip toes and point to my toothbrush saying "brr." I watch mommy get it and put toothpaste on it. I then get so excited and walk over to the potty and tap on the potty. Mommy then lets me sit on the lid of the potty all by myself while I brush my teeth. I smile the whole time and love it when I get mommy to sing the brushing the teeth song:
"Brush, brush, brush your teeth; brush, brush, brush your teeth; brush, brush, brush your teeth; tongue and gums!!"
I usually brush for a couple of minutes while sitting on the potty looking around and when I am done I take the brush out of my mouth and hand it to mommy. She gets SO proud of me!
I can't wait until I learn how to spit in the sink just like mommy and daddy do!
PS- at night, I brush my teeth while getting my diaper changed. It helps me be a little less wiggly :)
Sometime after I wake up, I look at mommy and say "brr" and point to my mouth. We then head to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom I go to the sink, stand on my tip toes and point to my toothbrush saying "brr." I watch mommy get it and put toothpaste on it. I then get so excited and walk over to the potty and tap on the potty. Mommy then lets me sit on the lid of the potty all by myself while I brush my teeth. I smile the whole time and love it when I get mommy to sing the brushing the teeth song:
"Brush, brush, brush your teeth; brush, brush, brush your teeth; brush, brush, brush your teeth; tongue and gums!!"
I usually brush for a couple of minutes while sitting on the potty looking around and when I am done I take the brush out of my mouth and hand it to mommy. She gets SO proud of me!
I can't wait until I learn how to spit in the sink just like mommy and daddy do!
PS- at night, I brush my teeth while getting my diaper changed. It helps me be a little less wiggly :)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
My stretch marks are already getting stretch marks!
My 26th week visit to the doctor went well today! Heard Baby Ashley's heart beat (it is nice and strong), got some blood drawn for the glucose diabetes test (love the lemon lime flavor- took it down in 5 gulps!) and saw the horrific numbers appear on the scale.....
Yup..... I am 5 pounds away from the weight I was when I delivered Anna.... and I still have 13-14 more weeks to go..... just in case you aren't familiar with pregnancy weight gain (i.e. people I hate) I should put on at least a pound a week for the rest of the time... so plan on me putting on what.... 15 more lbs?!?!?! I may reach a weight that I never thought possible....
So yes, my stretch marks have their own stretch marks and life is good....... I'll probably make another trip to Chick-fil-a in a couple of days because I can't drive within 5 miles of that place without stopping and engulfing a Chicken Sandwich. I can skip the fries, but The Original and a lemonade.... it gets me every time :)
Just think, in 13-14 weeks I'll have a little bundle of love and I'll forget about it all!
Much Love and a LOT of me to hug,
PS. How did I forget to mention that after all this, my doctor was out of the flu shot, forcing me to I have me first CVS minute clinic experience and got the flu shot. I was pretty impressed with the Minute Clinic (even though the whole process took 30 minutes) Oh what a night!
Yup..... I am 5 pounds away from the weight I was when I delivered Anna.... and I still have 13-14 more weeks to go..... just in case you aren't familiar with pregnancy weight gain (i.e. people I hate) I should put on at least a pound a week for the rest of the time... so plan on me putting on what.... 15 more lbs?!?!?! I may reach a weight that I never thought possible....
So yes, my stretch marks have their own stretch marks and life is good....... I'll probably make another trip to Chick-fil-a in a couple of days because I can't drive within 5 miles of that place without stopping and engulfing a Chicken Sandwich. I can skip the fries, but The Original and a lemonade.... it gets me every time :)
Just think, in 13-14 weeks I'll have a little bundle of love and I'll forget about it all!
Much Love and a LOT of me to hug,
PS. How did I forget to mention that after all this, my doctor was out of the flu shot, forcing me to I have me first CVS minute clinic experience and got the flu shot. I was pretty impressed with the Minute Clinic (even though the whole process took 30 minutes) Oh what a night!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Week 26
98 days to go until little Ashley's due date. HOLY MOLY it makes me tired thinking about it! Good thing I am getting practice this week (and last week) chasing around my 2 1/2 year old niece Kate and Anna during the day. Except when I chase around Anna and Ashley at these ages, I won't be 26 weeks pregnant... well hopefully not :) My hair is looking good- seriously all stay at home mom's reach rock bottom with their upkeep and I just might be reaching that point :)
Feeling good. Just tired. Can't sleep that well at night because my belly is so freaking huge that it makes any position uncomfortable. Other parts of my body put too much weight on other parts, which causes areas on my body to fall asleep and go numb in the oddest places. Going to search for the guest room pillows tonight to lodge around my body- sorry Rob, you now get 1/4th of the bed :) Am craving ANYTHING for dinner that I don't have to cook- I am just over cooking right now... Anna and Kate are wearing me out too much throughout the day to put my effort into a dinner where I will have to spend time cleaning up after.... I also just want a fried buffalo chicken sandwich with EXTRA buffalo sauce and blue cheese dressing..... ummmm blue cheese! I asked Rob if he could hire a cook for us for the next 6 months and he just laughed....... from his reaction I take it that I might have an inkling of a shot at this wish!?!?!?!
Ashley is a soccer player for sure- maybe a kick boxer. I remember feeling Anna move inside me, but Anna was NOTHING like this little one. You can always count on Ashley kicking me around 6 am, 6 pm and 9 pm. She is the second child that wants to be heard already :)
Here is a comparison picture to what my belly looked like with Anna. I think I am a lot bigger now then I was with her (I am also smuggling leftovers from Anna all over my body :))
I can't wait to hold this little munchkin (and stare at her while Anna runs around the house drawing on our walls with permanent sharpie marker.....)
Much Love,
Tonight at dinner, you will NEVER guess what mommy let me do..... she let me try and drink out of her Jayhawk cup ALL. BY. MYSELF!
It was magical!
I pointed at her cup and grunted while signing "more" and this time, she placed it on my high chair.... she didn't leave her hands on it and tip it into my mouth for me; she let me pick the half full glass up on my own. Mommy and Daddy's eyes were HUGE as I picked up the cup with two hands; brought it to my mouth and... drum roll please... took a sip out of it without spilling it all over my face. I then put the cup down and repeated it 9 ( YES 9!) more times!
On the last time, I got a little too comfortable with my new talent that water came pouring over my face, up my nose and drenched my clothes. At that point, the water was all gone and I was given a sippy cup for the rest of the night.
It was magical!
I pointed at her cup and grunted while signing "more" and this time, she placed it on my high chair.... she didn't leave her hands on it and tip it into my mouth for me; she let me pick the half full glass up on my own. Mommy and Daddy's eyes were HUGE as I picked up the cup with two hands; brought it to my mouth and... drum roll please... took a sip out of it without spilling it all over my face. I then put the cup down and repeated it 9 ( YES 9!) more times!
On the last time, I got a little too comfortable with my new talent that water came pouring over my face, up my nose and drenched my clothes. At that point, the water was all gone and I was given a sippy cup for the rest of the night.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
An extra WHAT?
So Daddy spent a long time last night explaining to me this Daylight Savings thing and I am confused..... Why would ANYONE want an extra hour or sleep, if they could use that same hour for an extra hour of playing?
Can you guess what I choose to use the extra hour for?
Yep- PLAY!
I went to bed 30 minutes later then normal (8:00ish), but woke up 30 min earlier (6:15) then normal. But it wasn't 6:15.... IT WAS 5:15!!! BONUS hour of playtime :)
This is great! Mommy didn't think so though :) (It was daddy's turn to sleep in this morning so mommy was the one who also got an extra hour of play!)
Can you guess what I choose to use the extra hour for?
Yep- PLAY!
I went to bed 30 minutes later then normal (8:00ish), but woke up 30 min earlier (6:15) then normal. But it wasn't 6:15.... IT WAS 5:15!!! BONUS hour of playtime :)
This is great! Mommy didn't think so though :) (It was daddy's turn to sleep in this morning so mommy was the one who also got an extra hour of play!)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Bucket on Head
Just a couple days ago, I learned how to put the bucket on and then take it off my head ALL BY MYSELF! I had been handing it to mommy or daddy to do it for me. Now I love to put it on my head and run to them with a big smile :)
Cousin Henry
Tonight, Henry came over and hung out with us while his parents went to a movie. We had so much fun playing and eating dinner together! I Love it when he comes over to play :)
Playdate with Cooper!
It had been a while since Cooper and I had played together. It took a while for us to warm up to each other but once we did, we had a blast :) I gave Cooper lots of puckered up kisses when he left and he return my kisses with open mouth kisses- GROSS!!! I think he is so funny :)
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